BORN TO BE front, sides and behind. Unable to understand why, he was proud of his lovely nylon covered legs.

Looking up, Ted noticed that the guys outside the store were staring at him, but they showed only admiration and desire, not recognition. Despite himself, Ted found himself liking the attention. "Let's try another pair," he suggested. When Thomas grasped the back of Ted's calf to remove the pumps, he gently stroked Ted's nylon clad leg with the tips of his fingers.

Ted knew this shouldn't be happening, but, for some reason he didn't understand, he wanted his former buddy to continue.

"I don't mean to be forward, but my name is Thomas. Would you be so kind as to tell me yours?" he asked while slipping a new pair of pumps onto Ted's feet.

"Barbie Anne Reynolds," Ted answered almost automatically. "I like this pair."

"I'm going to the movie in the mall after work, Barbie. Would you like to go with me?" Thomas asked, looking directly into Ted's eyes.

"That would be nice, but I don't think my boyfriend would understand," Ted giggled.

"Well, I envy the guy for having such a cute girlfriend, especially one with such great legs," Thomas said.

"Thank you," Ted softly replied, still not understanding why he felt flushed and proud at being asked for a date, especially by a former buddy who absolutely didn't recognize him.

I love it when a plan comes together! Despite his expressed desires to the contrary, this once deceitful, blackmailing, freeloader was beginning to accept the feminine role I had decreed for him. "Revenge is sweet," I thought as I watched him react to the advances of this handsome young man who was seductively caressing his nylon clad calves. He was confused by his emotions and embarrassed by his actions, but he was no match for the potent creams, lotions, and hormones flooding his system.

Karen again,

I met Ted at the mall as promised, and to my surprise, I found him in a very congenial mood. I was astounded that he had purchased a dress, two mix and match skirt, blouse, and sweater sets, and several pairs of shoes, all in teen fashions.

When we returned home, he voluntarily changed into a light blue, baby doll dress with a puckered top and short



sleeves. The neckline was scooped, and the skirt hung from a high empire waist to three inches above his knees. His legs were bare except for his thin white girl's knee socks and white skimmers. All in all, he was lovely.

After dinner, Ted spent the rest of the evening watching videos on hairstyles and makeup after which he practiced for a couple of hours. He ended by carefully walking a white line wearing his ivory heels.

From that day forth, I allowed Ted to venture out on his own wearing outfits of his choice. He sometimes wore slacks, jeans, or shorts, but they were always very stylish. After a week, I began to believe he could pull it off. His speech became more like the girl's at the mall, and he used the same phrases and speech patterns, even when alone with Bob and I at home.

Chapter 14

One evening, Bob announced that we were going to the New Year's Eve party at the country club. I wasn't worried since I'd been to the club many times as Karen Reynolds and nobody questioned my status as Bob's wife. Still, it was weird to have people I'd known as Bill Lamb not recognize me and accept me so completely as a woman.

Before the party, Ted was a nervous wreck. He was still afraid he would meet someone he knew that would see through his disguise. For the gala event, he wore a simple black dress that displayed his emerging breasts to advantage. Since the hem fell to five inches above his sheer nylon clad knees, it highlighted his attractive legs. He wore black skimmers with three inch heels, and his hair flowed about his face in a flurry of curls. Perfectly cut bangs covered his forehead and gave him a juvenile appearance.

I dressed elegantly. After all, this was the start of a new year. After donning my tightest 'DIVERT', I attached my braless bra' which consisted of two plastic half cups placed outside and under my breasts to push them up and in to produce the effect of larger breasts than I actually had. The rest of my breasts were uncovered along with my nipples. I carefully rolled a pair of super sheer, pale gold nylons up my smooth, hairless legs. As I smoothed out the wrinkles, I felt pride in my feminine legs.

I decided against wearing panties, not wanting unsightly panty lines to ruin the flow of my dress. This way, I could enjoy the feeling the silk lining of my dress against my skin. My dress cost a bundle, but it was worth every